Refund Policy ( Green Toolz )

Greentoolz will only initiate a refund if any service or tool is non-functional for more than three consecutive days. No refunds will be issued in cases where an account is banned or blocked, or if a service remains unused by an individual. Additionally, refunds are not available once a tool’s usage limits are reached; customers must wait until these limits are reset. Refund requests made more than 30 days after the order placement date will not be entertained, regardless of whether the product has been received, the account’s activation status, or if the service has been unused.

For purchases involving Combo Plans, refunds are only possible if any of the primary services or tools are inoperative for three days or more.

It is important to note that most tools may not be compatible with mobile devices. Mobile users interested in our services are advised to contact us through live chat prior to purchase. We cannot offer refunds to users who, after purchase, claim the tools are incompatible with mobile devices. The refund process may take up to one week to initiate.

This policy was last updated on Feb 8, 2024.